Maggi's Rants

With a rant, I say...I'll make your day!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Dream-time Ramblings

How come I get all kinds of neat ideas that beg to be developed into well-written prose only when I am half asleep in bed? Here I am trying to write something that someone other than my virtual pal, Avi [who reads everything I write anyway] and my invisible pretend friend, Chadora, will want to read. It’s been over an hour and I have torn at least 10 sheets of paper [figuratively, not literally, since I “write” on my laptop. I don’t use paper anymore because, believe it or not, I do not want to “waste” paper and “kill” any more trees] and scratched out [in my head] at least 66 and a quarter idea starters. Nothing fits!

For my next birthday I want a Dictaphone. Like some people sleep-walk, I’ll sleep-talk into my Dictaphone. Then, voila, the next day all I have to do is wake up and transcribe my sleep slurred words, and I’ll have the beginnings of my very first novel…maybe…


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