Maggi's Rants

With a rant, I say...I'll make your day!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Dubious Doubters

To err is human. To point out how everyone around us is erring is even more human. The humanest of it all is pontificating over what everyone around us should do in order to stop erring. Having said that, I do admit that I do not miss an opportunity to point out my peers' faults. The fact that I am a teacher, and that people pay me to help pick out faults in papers they write, does not help matters any. So, it should not come as a surprise to me when people pick faults with things I do. However, I bristle when people make comments about my child-rearing abilities [or the lack thereof]. What REALLY TICKS ME OFF is when people who have NO CHILDREN of their own try and tell me how to become a better parent.
"Oh! So now you're teaching weeknights too in addition to your weekday schedule?" goes one such well-wisher. "Tsk, tsk. Won't the brat miss you? Seriously, you and your other half should get your priorities right. Spend more time with her." "Erm, well..." I falter in response. "We do alternate our schedules. Either MOH or I am at home every evening with the brat," I counter when my confidence returns. "That's not enough." Mr. Well-wisher shakes his head in disapproval. "She needs to spend time with both of you as a family every evening." Hmmm...yeah, sure. In an ideal world, that is definitely possible. Wait till you have kids and you try to balance work, parenting and other social commitments. We'll talk then.
"You should train the brat not to talk to strangers," goes another wannabe parent. I rise to the bait. "Why? Was she talking to anyone she did not know?" "Well, before she handed over your phone to you, she spoke to me for 10 min," comes Mr. Wannabe's reply. "Ok, but how is that relevant? She knows you. She knows I talk to you often," I parry. "Yeah, but when she picked up the phone and heard a male voice, she did it not know it was me. It could potentially have been a stranger pretending to be me. You should train her to be more careful next time." Sheesh! What is the girl supposed to do? Give every caller the third degree? Gimme a break!
I'm not saying I am the best parent ever. However, please don't tell me what to do and what not to do before bearing and rearing a child of your own.
Remember the old African saying: "Don't judge a man [or a mom] until you've walked a day in his [or in this case "her" ] shoes!
